Hello, welcome to Haf-Hidden-Acres Farm. We are located in Western PA near the West Virginia panhandle. My husband Ronald and I live on 100+ acres of beautiful rolling hill country. We have two grown children and five grandchildren. Our interest in goats started with a 4-H Project of our daughter’s. After she left home I continued with the Nubian goats. Today we maintain a herd of show and milk goats. We breed on the great Frosty Marvin lines.

In 2005 we were able to attend 5 shows and the goats did very well.  we received several first places, 7 BOB awards, and we were very fortunate to be able to have 3 does win their Championship status.  We were also very lucky to have 4 Best Doe in show Awards. In 2004 , for the first time we were able to attend the National Show, and we were very pleased with how well our does placed.  It was very exciting to for Bloomsage to place 3rd. in the 2 year old class.  It was a very good year!  We were able to attend the 2006 National show and again the does did very well.  We had the 5th. place 2 year old and the 7th. place yearling milker. which was very exciting, along with several other placings. In 2009 we were able to attend 3 shows, showing under 5 different judges.  We were fortune to receive 5 CH. 5 RCH, and 2 BOB awards. Two of our does received their permanent CH status.

Our entire herd tested negative for CAE March 2017 and receives CDT and selenium shots, as well as a regular worming schedule. The goats receive a special mix of 18% grain, quality hay, free choice baking soda, and mineral mix, along with daily treats of alfalfa pellets and sunflowers seeds . If all the goats test CAE negative again this year,  we will be feeding raw milk to the babies. We were able to particapate  in LA  in 2016.and we have done DHIR in the past but, due to schedules, we are no longer able. We find these programs to be very beneficial.

......To e-mail us Click here or call (724)573-9084 for more information on individual goats and availability of kids. Click here for information on purchasing and sale terms.

Check out our sale page for current list of animals and semen available.

Bred Yearling Page
Results for individual animals at the 2006 Nationals are included with their records. 

In additions Haf-Hidden Acres took
Dairy Herd.......12 th. place
Best 3 females....6th place.
Produce of Dam....7th. place


SGCH Haf-Hidden-Acres Elenor 3*M

D.O.B.  1/ 22/08  
Purebred Nubian ~~ Brown Frosted

Elenor freshened as a 2 year  with an outstanding udder.  she is a strong doe , being level over the topline.

Shows 2010   1 X 2nd.
Shows 2011 3 X 1st. 1x 3rd. 3 X Grand Champion 1 x BOB
Shows 2013: 2  X B.O.B.    1 X Best in Show    
Shows 2014:  4 X BOB  1 X Best in show
Shows 2015:  7 X BOB   2 X BDIS
Shows 2016:   2 X BOB   


LA  0- 7  V( V E/c E/c)
LA  1-7  V(V V E/C)
LA 2-3 88(VVVE)
LA 3-4 91(EEEE)
 LA 8-8  91 (EEEE)  

SIRE:  Haf-Hidden-Acres Marko 
          LA 2-5  84(++V)
          LA 4-2 90(VEE)
S.S.  *B Haf-Hidden-Acres RDOR Rufford  
           LA  4-5  88(VVE
S.S.S.:  GCH  ++*B  Rio Del Oro’s Rupert
S.S.D.  Haf-Hidden-Acres Faylene   2*M
             LA 4-6  90(VEEE)
S.D.  SGCH  Haf-Hidden-Acres Marti 1*M 
             LA 6-6  93(EEEE) 
S.D.S.:  ++*B Kismet Nimrod the Mighty One  
            LA   5-5  89 (VVE) ref. buck 
 S D.D.:  Haf-Hidden-Acres Marjorie 
            HES  88.95 (89M,89DC,86BC,90GA)

DAM:  Haf-Hidden-Acres Eliza  2*M 
             LA 4-7  90(EEVE)ref.doe
D.S.: +*B  SG  Copper-Hill Breakaway’s Blazer  
            LA 3-3  91(EEE)
D.S.D.     SGCH  Copper-Hill Abe’s Bobette  7*M  
            LA   93(EEEE)
 D.S.S.     ++*B  SGC Copper-Hill Alginons Breakaway 
           LA  6-3  93(EEE)
D.D.:  Haf-Hidden-Acres Ellsa   1*M  
          LA 5-6  88(VVEV) ref. doe
D.D.S.   ++*B   Kismet Nimrod the Mighty One
          LA 5-5   89 (VVE)
D.D.D.     Haf-Hidden-Acres Edna

DHIR: 2-2  326 days  2110# 92# 4.3% BF 71# PT

Will be bred to Haf-Hidden-Aceres Joseph
Does $500.00 Bucks $450.00

CH Haf-Hidden-Acres Nyra

American nubian
D.O.B. 2- 21-11

Shows 2011: 1 x 1st. 1 x Junior Champion
Shows 2014:  4 X 2nd, 3 X 3rd,  1 X reserve senior champion.
Shows 2015:   5 X 1st,  1 X 2nd,   2 X GCH  1 X RCH



Nyra has a very nice udder, and stands on good feet and legs.

LA 0-3 V(VVE/C)
Sire: *B Haf-Hidden-Acres Marko
       LA 4-4 90(VEE)
S.S. *B Haf-Hidden-Acres RDOR Rufford
      LA 4-5 88(VVE)
S..D. SGCH Haf-Hidden-Acres Marti 1*M
      LA 6-6 93 (EEEE)
Dam: Haf-Hidden-Acres Nola 4*M
      LA 5-2 90(VEEE)
D.S. ++*B Kismet Nimrod the Mighty One
      LA 5- 89 (VEE)
D.D. SG Haf-Hidden-Acres Brigette-Too 3*M
      LA 3-3 90(EEEV)

Bred to
Due: March 2017
Due Does $350

CH Haf-Hidden-Acres Sunflower
D.O.B. 3-08-2012


Shows 2014: 6 X 1st,  1 X 2nd, 1 X 3rd.  2 X senior champion
Shows 2015: 8 X 1st.  2 X GCH  2 X RGCH
Shows 2017   1 X 1st  3 X 2nd  1 X BOB

Sunflower freshened with a very nice udder. She is everything we had hoped for in this breeding.  She does not like to get her picture taken!

LA  4-6  90 (EEEV)


Dam:  SGCH Haf-Hidden-Acres Blooming-Star   3*M  LA 6-1 91(EEEV)
D.D. GCH Haf-Hidden-Acres Bloomsage   2*M   LA  5-3 90(VEEE)
D.S. *+B Haf-Hidden-Acres Thaddaeus LA 2-6 90(VEE)
D.S.D. Standard-Way's Staltwater Taffy 1*M
D.S.S. SG ++*B Copper-Hill Breakaway's Blazer LA 2-2 91(EEE)
D.D.D.Haf-Hidden-Acres Brittanie 1*M  LA 4-7 85 (++VV)
D.D.S. *B Haf-Hidden-Acres N. Victor  LA 3-6 ( 87 (VEE)

Sire:  +*B Haf-Hidden-Acres Marko   LA 4-2 90(VEE)
S.D.  SGCH Haf-Hidden-Acres Marti 1*M LA 6-6 93(EEEE)
S.D.S. Kismet Nimrod the Mighty One ++*B LA 5-5 87(VVE)
S,D.D. Haf-Hidden-Acres Marjorie
S.S     *B  Haf-Hidden-Acres RDOR Rufford   LA 3-5 89(VEE)
S.S.S .++*B  SGCH Rio Del Oro's Rupert
S.S.D. Haf-Hidden-Acres Faylene 2*M LA 4-6 90(VEEE)


Will be bred to  Haf-HIdden-Acres ET Enoch
1 Doe retained
Does: $400 Bucks $350

Haf-Hidden-Acres Cee-Osage  
D.O.B. 4-8-2013  



Shows 2014:  3 X 1st, 3 X 2nd
Shows 2015 :  1 X 1st,  3 X 2nd.  2 X 3rd.  2 X 4th
Shows 2016: 2 X 3rd
Shows 2017    2 X 1st  1 X RGCH



Osage is a very nice yearling, who we are looking forward to seeing mature.

LA 3-586 (VV+V)
Sire: *B Haf-Hidden-Acres Big Ben 
        LA  5-0  90(VEE)
Dam::  SGCH Haf-Hidden-Acres Cee-Oreo
        LA 5-1 92 (EEEE)

Will be bred to:: Kismet Smooth Samson
Due: March 2017
1 Doe reserved
Does: $325 Bucks: $300

CH Haf-Hidden-Acres Misty -Dey
D.O.B.  5-10-2014


Shows 2015    1 X JCH
Shows 2016: 2 X 1st
Shows 2017  4 X 1st   2 X GCH  1 X BOB

LA 2-4 86(VE+V)
Dam:Haf-Hidden-Acres Rain-Of-Mist 3*M

Sire: Haf-Hidden-Acres BB Ottis
Will be bred to : o Haf-Hidden-Aceres Joseph
Due: March 2017
Does: $325 Bucks: $300

Haf-Hidden-Acres O&B Bloomsage
D.O.B.  1-17-2014

Shows  2014:   2 X JCH

LA 2-8 84(VVV+)

Dam:  SGCH Haf-Hidden-Acres Blooming-Star  3*M          
 LA 6-1  91(EEEV)

Sire: Haf-Hidden-Acres BB Ottis

Will be bred to : Kismet Smooth Samson
Does: $325 Bucks: $300

Haf-Hidden-Acres  Elly    
DOB  4-23-15


Shows 2015: Not shown
Shows 2016: 2 x2nd

LA 1-5 81(VV+A)
Bred to: Haf-Hidden Acres ET Enoch
Due: April 2017
Does: $ 300.00

Haf_Hidden-Acres Sabella    
DOB  3-17-15    

Shows 2015: 3 X 1st,  3 X JCH  1 X BJDIS
Shows 2017   2 X 1st  2 X 2nd   1 X RGCH

LA 1-6 83(VVV+)
Sire:  Haf-Hidden -Acres Ottis  
Dam:  CH  Haf-Hidden-Acres Sunflower
Will be bred to : Haf-Hidden Acres ET Enoch
Due: April 2017
Does: $300

Haf-Hidden-Acres  Elbony  
DOB   4-12-15

Shows 2015: 3 X 1st,  3 X 2nd
Shows 2016:  1 X 2nd   1 X 3rd  

LA 1- 5  V(VVV
Sire: Kismet Samson  
Dam:  HHA Endevor
DD SGCH Haf-Hidden-Acres Eleno3*M  
         LA 3-4 91(EEEE) 
DS: *B Haf-Hidden-Acres Big Ben
Bred too Haf-Hidden-Aceres Joseph
Due: March 2017
Does $300,00


.. .....We request that all kids be picked up at the farm or shipped by 4 weeks of age. After 4 weeks of age we will have to charge a $2.00 per day board until they are picked up or shipped. A $50.00 deposit is required to hold your kid with the balance due within 2 weeks of notification of your kids birth. Make money orders payable to Laura Hennen. All health papers, shipping, and kennels are the responsibility of the buyer and are to be paid prior to shipment. Deposit on canceled orders are not refundable. If your choice is not available and you do not wish to select from other kids, your deposit will be refunded in full. We reserve the right to retain any buck or doe

................Ron and Laura Hennen
................289 Tomlinson Run Church Road Georgetown, PA 15043


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Last Modified: January 3, 2016 Copyright © 2003-2016  by Haf-Hidden Acres. All images and graphics are the property of Haf-Hidden Acres and may not be used without permission.
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